Live Rock Hitchhikers

Reef Not Safe
Not-Reef Safe
Whelk Snail - Whelk
It's a whelk, get it out!
Whelk Snail - Whelk
It's a whelk, get it out!
Smasher Mantis Shrimp - Neogonodactylus Wennerae
Thumb splitter.
Smasher Mantis Shrimp - Neogonodactylus Wennerae
Thumb splitter.
Delicate Swimming Crab - Portunus
Rather innocent looking when small but grow into real nightmares.
Delicate Swimming Crab - Portunus
Rather innocent looking when small but grow into real nightmares.
Hairy Gorilla Crab - Pilumnus sayi
Great sump dwellers or predator snacks.
Hairy Gorilla Crab - Pilumnus sayi
Great sump dwellers or predator snacks.
Dwarf Octopus - Octopus joubini
Looks like a tiny octopus. (click photo for more details)
Dwarf Octopus - Octopus joubini
Looks like a tiny octopus. (click photo for more details)
Isopod - Cirolanid
Take a deep breath, it's going to be okay. Click photo for more info.
Isopod - Cirolanid
Take a deep breath, it's going to be okay. Click photo for more info.
Banded Tulip Snail - Fasciolaria hunteria
Beautiful clam predator.
Banded Tulip Snail - Fasciolaria hunteria
Beautiful clam predator.
Murex Snail - Murex sp.
Armored bivalve predator.
Murex Snail - Murex sp.
Armored bivalve predator.
Horse Conch - Triplofusus giganteus
Escargot connoisseur, jk likes whelks and tulips.
Horse Conch - Triplofusus giganteus
Escargot connoisseur, jk likes whelks and tulips.
Toad Fish - Opsanus beta
Toad Fish - Opsanus beta
Unique Nem - tbd in the superfamily Metridioidea
Doesn't play well in a reef tank. (click photo for more info)
Unique Nem - tbd in the superfamily Metridioidea
Doesn't play well in a reef tank. (click photo for more info)
- tbd crab
Great texture but looks like trouble.
- tbd crab
Great texture but looks like trouble.
Calico Box Crab - Hepatus epheliticus
Handsome spotted box crab.
Calico Box Crab - Hepatus epheliticus
Handsome spotted box crab.
Albino Crab - tbd
Albino crab.
Albino Crab - tbd
Albino crab.
Florida Stone Crab – Menippe mercenaria
Great with mustard sauce!
Florida Stone Crab – Menippe mercenaria
Great with mustard sauce!