Live Rock Hitchhikers

Hairy Gorilla Crab - Pilumnus sayi

Hairy Gorilla Crab - Pilumnus sayi

Small crabs up to 2". They have black tipped claws and appear hairy. Red-brown-purple crabs covered in hair with white blotches, unequal sized dark tipped claws and three rows of conical spines. The gorilla crab has four walking legs, and its carapace can grow up to 2.5cm (1in), it will hide in rocks and piles of rubble.

Considered by many not reef safe. They will pick on small hermits and exposed snails. Gorilla crabs make great sump dwellers and predator snacks. We try to remove all Gorilla crabs from our rocks before packaging. If you spy one, lean a glass against the rock where they hang out. Place a small piece of shrimp/silverside in the bottom of the glass. The crabs will fall into glass and not be able to crawl out. Or you can try setting bottle traps.

Reef Not Safe
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