Live Rock Hitchhiker

Porcelain Crab - Petrolisthes caribensis / galathinus

Porcelain Crab - Petrolisthes caribensis / galathinus

Purples, Magenta, Red-brown markings form wavy lines across the pale blue carapace and the large flat claws that are lined with tan bristles. A porcelain crab’s carapace can grow up to 1/2 in and they have three pairs of walking legs, long antennae, and two fan-like mouthparts called setae.

These crabs are a unique addition to a peaceful reef environment. Known for net-like appendages that strain the water column for tasty snacks. They graze algae on live rock, filter water for plankton, and will accept meaty fish foods. Porcelains tend to hide around fast-moving fish and are best for peaceful tanks.

Safe & Great For Tanks!
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