Live Rock Hitchhiker

Lightbulb Nem - Bellactis Lux

Lightbulb Nem - Bellactis Lux

This anemone is from the family Aiptasiidae, and as of 2023 has the published name of Bellactis Lux. The TBS Lightbulb nem come in shades of brown, sometimes beige, sometimes a greenish hue and rarely a translucent yellow. It sometimes has stringy tentacles much like a bubble tip doesn't always bubble. Bands of white or cream tend to be found on their tentacles. Lightbulbs seem to max out at 3.5". *The Tampa Bay Saltwater farm does not have the same species of aiptasia that spread like a plague, verified by biologists from FWC.*

We think they are lovely and recommend enjoying this unique Florida anemone. While they won't host clownfish, they won't eat them either. Lightbulbs are not known to walk about and prefer medium water flow and medium to low light. If you must, a peppermint shrimp, a flexible blade or CBB will remove it.

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