Sponge Nem - undescribed species
We refer to this nem as a sponge anemone. It is an "undescribed species in the genus Bellactis. This particular species does not proliferate asexually." -FWC. It lives solitary, sometimes has a greenish tint and are varying shades of brown. This anemone is documented to host snapping shrimp. *The Tampa Bay Saltwater farm does not have the same species of aiptasia found as hitchhikers from LFS and online venders that spread like a plague, this has been verified by biologists at FWC.*
A peppermint shrimp, a flexible blade or CBB will remove it.
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We refer to this nem as a sponge anemone. It is an "undescribed species in the genus Bellactis. This particular species does not proliferate asexually." -FWC. It lives solitary, sometimes has a greenish tint and are varying shades of brown. This anemone is documented to host snapping shrimp. *The Tampa Bay Saltwater farm does not have the same species of aiptasia found as hitchhikers from LFS and online venders that spread like a plague, this has been verified by biologists at FWC.*
A peppermint shrimp, a flexible blade or CBB will remove it.
It Depends