Live Rock Hitchhikers

Decorator Crabs - Macrocoeloma trispinosum

Decorator Crabs - Macrocoeloma trispinosum

ID: Beige, orange, red and purple coloration. They will camouflage themselves with whatever is handy from sponges, macro algae, corals or tunicates. Macrocoeloma trispinosum- Spongy decorator 

Tips:  They attach bits of sponge to their carapace where it continues to grow. Sometimes you will see them decorated with macro algae. Studies indicate that that the addition of sponges provide a chemical defense against fish and other predators. Other research shares that carapace decoration also acts as an alternative food source. Decorator crab's main diet is algae, but they are omnivores capable of eating small bivalves and crabs.

In our holding system we find them to be reef safe, not bothering corals but rather picking bits from live rock. Juvenile decorators tend to be bare or with bits of macroalgae decor. Once they reach the size of a quarter, we see them with sponge covered backs.

Definitely a unique addition for a larger aquarium.
Recommended for tanks 50+ gallons. Keep them happy with live rock to pick at, sinking pellets and an occasional grocery store clam on the half shell.

Rated:  It Depends

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