Why Our Premium ROCKS!
Sustainably Ocean Aquacultured
Always Ships Submerged
Diverse Macro Organisms
Diverse Micro Organisms
Preffered Rock for Established Systems
Not for Cycling New Tanks
No Curing
Part 2 of the TBS Package
Sold by the Pound
Air cargo product
Our rock provides denitrifying bacteria, microscopic clean-up crews and a stress reducing natural environment for your inhabitants.
Premium Rock is delicate due to colorful filter feeders and corals, it should be added to an established aquarium or after cycling. It is Part 2 of the TBS Package for new tanks for this reason.
All live rock does not need to locate in the main tank to be an effective biofilter.
Premium for the display tank, while Base is efficient in the display, sump, refugium or cryptic zone.
We suggest 2 pounds of live rock per gallon.