Why Our Pico Package is Best:
3 Pounds nano premium live rock
3 Pounds nano base live rock
3 Pounds live sand
2 Florida Hermits & 2 Astrea Snails
Sustainably Ocean Harvested
Always Ships Submerged
Diverse Micro Organisms
Petite sized live rock
No Curing
Flat rate Treasure Chest Shipping
Live Sand is full of microscopic and megascopic organisms which help with denitrification, disposal of detritus and uneaten food. Our Live Sand will be a mixture of sand, shell bits, corallines, bivalves, starfish, snails and many organisms not visible to your eye, but very needed in your tank.
Live Rock is the predominant ingredient. It provides shelter and food for your tank inhabitants. Live Rock harvested from the ocean is full of life and bacteria essential to a saltwater tank. Ocean aquacultured Live Rock will have many animals visible and invisible to your eye. TBS Live Rock has sponges, worms, feather dusters, hard corals, algae, gorgonians, crustaceans, and bivalves living on and in it.
The Clean Up Crew is a beneficial component for a successful tank. Clibanarius Tricolor, Iridopagurus reticulatus, Clibanarius diguetti, Calcinus tibicen, Paguristes cadenati – An essential part of a tank’s clean-up crew, Florida hermits are excellent algae, detritus, and cyanobacteria eaters. They will scuttle about aerating sand while cleaning up debris. The Gulf of Mexico has a clean-up crew and so should you!
*The majority of customers who order the correct sized Package shipped in 2 phases experience 0 ammonia readings. This is because quality live rock and live sand provide the venue for beneficial biofiltering microorganisms.