Why Our Live Rock ROCKS!
Sustainably Ocean Harvested
Diverse Microorganisms
Ships Submerged
Add to Functioning Aquarium
No Curing
TBS Treasure Chest is literally a box of Rocks shipped to your door!
Our rock provides denitrifying bacteria, microscopic clean-up crews and a stress reducing natural environment for your inhabitants.
Each unique piece will be covered in life! You may find coralline algae (deep red to purple), various sponges (yellow, orange, pink, purple, blue, white, cream, green, brown, black), various macro & micro algae (greens, reds, browns), possible tunicates, a variety of feather duster worms, barnacles, crabs (good & bad), shrimps, starfish, maybe an oyster and more!
Premium Live Rock is more delicate than Base Rock due to the colorful filter feeders. It should not be used for new tank cycling but should be added to an established aquarium.
We suggest 2 pounds of live rock per gallon.